Welcome to Still Waters, a Filia Ul Copt shrine by Zanne Chaos. Why 'Still Waters'? You might think you know the character, but do you? As the old English proverb says, still waters run deep. What's beneath the surface?
Two lessons most scuba diving classes teach right from the get-go is "don't panic" and "breathe normally". You may encounter some ideas, some concepts, some twists and facets you've never thought about before. If it helps, pretend your browser window comes with big, friendly red letters on the title bar reading:
Apologies to the late Douglas Adams. You rocked my socks, man.
If you're willing to open your mind, expand your horizons, and explore worlds which perhaps you were unaware existed, come on in. I can't promise the question to 42, or Life, the Universe, and Everything, but there's some characters who run far deeper than what we see.
Filia is such a character, but what makes her so fascinating? I invite you to come dive into the depths with me, and allow one submissive Dragon to introduce you to another. Simply click the link above to Look Under the Surface, and find out.

Just don't forget your towel. ^_~

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